Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Makes Your Outlook Express More Fast

Today I am going to give you a small PC trick by which you can make Outlook more faster. You can perform this PC trick by just disabling the splash screen which makes your OUTLOOK more fast. For this PC Trick you have to do the following steps of this pc trick.


1. Click on Run Button then write down  “RegEdit”  in it.

2. Go to the following sequence >> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ OutLook Express.

3.  Add a string value "NoSplash" by right click on the right side Panel. As shown below in screen shot.

4.  Set the value data to 1 as a Dword value.

That’s all you have done with this pc trick. Now your Outlook Express Run more faster  than the previous one.


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